Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Some are saying she's a red head... judge for yourself

She was born at 11:00 pm on 9/7/2010. She decided to come on her own rather than being induced to come the next day. We arrived at the hospital at about 9:30. While we were checking in, Mom wasn't showing much pain, so the nurses were very surpised to see that she was ready to go just as soon as she arrived.
Her special talent, so far, is being born with a very round head... the doctor said her head was the same shape as a c-section head would be.
Here are some pictures:

(photo removed due to scandalous content)


  1. Yay new baby! By the way, the name is NOT at the bottom, but oh well I already know the name. Anyway, congratulations! We are excited to see new baby, and big brother, and parents tomorrow. By the way the last picture is somewhat...scandalous and kind of scary looking.

  2. Thanks for letting us come over last night. It was so nice to see all of you-especial the new little one. As for the hair... give her six months; but I hope it is red.
